Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Scavenger Hunt

Thank you Paperback Darling for this fun scavenger hunt. Things got a bit tricky towards the end. 

Find an author’s name or title with the letter Z in it.
I love Zane. One of my favorites that she wrote was Addicted and Nervous. 

Find something on your bookshelf that is not a book
Here is a globe I salvaged from my dads old book shelf, along with quite a few of my books. 

Find the oldest book on your shelf
I had no idea which book was the oldest so I picked one I knew my mother read a long time ago, and it looked very old. I've never actually read it. 

Find a book with a girl on the cover
Oh this was too easy. Had to give Aria some love, one of my Favorite Heroines!

Find a book that has an animal in it
So excited to put this Hippogriff in my post. 

Find a book with a male protagonist
I didn't want to use Harry Potter twice, and really struggled! Had to borrow one from my husband. He loved this book. 

Find a book with only words on it
Very Different books, both will bring you to tears. 

Find a book with gold lettering
I loved this book. June Iparis, another amazing heroine. 

Find a book written by someone with a common name like Smith
Here we have a summery Jennifer E. Smith book. 

Find a book that has a close up of something on it
I loved Beautiful Disaster. Is this close enough? 

Find a hardcover book without a jacket
Horde, by Ann Aguirre, my favorite Zombie book. 

Find a non-YA book
This memoir by Esmeralda Santiaga tells me I can love more than fiction. 

Find a book with illustrations in it
There were a ton of illustrations throughout Everything, Everything. 

Find a book with stars on it
Another from my husbands shelf. He is obsessed with space. 

Find a teal/turquoise colored book
I actually never finished this book. I'll have to take a second look at it. I hope that counts as teal. 

Find a classic
I believe Invisible Man is a classic. 

I was unable to find these below. :( A reason to go buy new books. Yay! 
Find a book that takes place in the earliest time period
Find a book with a key on it

1 comment:

  1. This looks like fun!! I might do it even though I don't have a blog. :)
    I love memoirs so I might try to read The Turkish Lover by Esmeralda Santiago. Looks interesting.

    PS. We have the same globe lol
